
Corporate Governance

Our Basic Principle

Under the philosophy of the "Cycle of Goodness," we strive to enhance our corporate governance system in an effort to further enrich our corporate value. Based on an organizational system in which the Board of Directors serves to make decisions on important matters, such as the company's management policy, and serves an oversight function, while the Audit & Supervisory Board serves as the company's auditing organization, we have adopted an Operating Officer System, a framework that helps the company undertake the execution of business and operations.

Corporate Governance System

Directors comply with the regulations of the Board of Directors and follow the rules regarding director duties, and appropriately carry out business based on the division of duties. They regularly attend compliance training offered by lawyers, etc., and submit to the company written oaths pledging to comply with laws and regulations in performing their duties as directors. In addition, we have introduced the Operating Officer System to ensure the faster execution of business and operations via the separation of management and execution. While directors dedicate themselves to realize total optimization, operating officers execute individual businesses and operations with responsibility and authority, in accordance with the policies resolved in the Board of Directors meeting.

Main Committees for Executing Business / Duties

Compliance Committee

We work to improve the compliance system of our company and subsidiaries. A compliance director is appointed, and he reports to the directors and audit & supervisory board members regarding the development of the compliance system and compliance status.

Brand Management Committee

This committee considers and formulates important policies for our company from a technical standpoint. It works to build the Company's brand, practice corporate activities based on the "Cycle of Goodness," and enhance our public outreach.

Investment Committee

The committee reviews and discusses investment economics calculations, costs of capital, free cash flow, and sets ICPs for promoting carbon neutrality for significant investment projects. By going through review in the committee, these can be evaluated more efficiently by the Board of Directors meeting.

Environmental Policy Board Committee and Environment Committee

The Environmental Policy Board Committee was established to develop our environmental policies and strategies, and to supervise the progress of our environmental measures. Also, the Environmental Committee promotes the policies of business execution divisions, plans and formulates measures, and supervises their progress.

Risk-related Committees (5)

We have appointed a Chief Risk Management Officer (CRO) to promote YKK AP's risk management. We established a Quality Committee, Trade Management Committee, Crisis Management Committee, Information Security Committee, and Technical Asset Management Committee in order to maintain and enforce regulations.


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