- Sustainability
- Environment
- Environmental Management
Environmental Management
Our Basic View
Environmental management is our responsibility as we conduct business on this Earth. The YKK Group established the "Group Environmental Pledge" in 1994 to promote environmental activities in all areas of business operations.
YKK Group Environmental Pledge
It is recognized today as being a most important duty for all humankind that we preserve the abundantly endowed global environment and that we transfer it to the next generation in a sound condition.
Striving to be an Earth-friendly company, the YKK Group proclaims that it will address and promote "harmony with the environment" as the highest priority of its business activities.
YKK Group Environmental Vision 2050
To achieve an even higher level of environmental management throughout the YKK Group, in April 2019, we formulated the "YKK Group Environmental Vision 2050", which sets the long-term direction of our environmental initiatives. We established key objectives in YKK AP's environmental policy for each of the 4 categories - "Responding to climate change","Utilization of resources", "Sustainable use of water", and "Symbiosis with nature" to select and identify challenges and to reflect them in our environmental action plan, keeping in mind our future projections for 2050 and the vision we aim to achieve.

The climate change that is occurring on a global scale has become a serious problem for all organisms living on Earth. Considering it our responsibility as a member of the society to take actions to mitigate this problem, the YKK Group is striving to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases, including CO2, and to adapt to climate change.
While water is an essential resource for sustaining life and all types of industry, the amount and quality available vary widely depending on the country and region. For those of us who aim to have prosperous coexistence with the society, joining our communities in sustainably utilizing water resources is essential. Therefore, we are taking actions, such as cutting back the volume of water intake and reducing burden of waste water on the environment.
Since the YKK Group manufactures many products, including zippers and windows, various types of resources that constitute raw materials are essential to us. To ensure that we will be able to stably continue supplying our products well into the future, we are acting to maximize effective utilization of non-renewable resources and also taking initiatives to recycle the waste materials generated throughout the entire life cycle of our products.
Nature provides resources essential to an affluent lifestyle, such as a stable atmosphere, clean water, and supply of food, and places for recreation. To leave the possibility of an affluent lifestyle for the generations to come, we are engaged in activities to protect the natural environment and reduce our environmental impact.
Environmental Initiatives
YKK Group has established the "YKK Group Environmental Vision 2050," which maps out the long-term orientation of our environmental initiatives. Under this vision, YKK AP has established a goal for 2050 of "achieving zero environmental impact in our business activities throughout the entire product lifecycle."
In the Mid-term Environmental Policy for FY2021 to FY2024, we have set environmental targets for the entire value chain with the aim of resolving and contributing to the resolution of the four environmental issues of "climate change," "resource recycling," "water," and "biodiversity," and are working to achieve them.
As the system for promoting these activities, the "YKK AP Environmental Policy Board Committee," chaired by the president, formulates and approves environmental policy and strategy from a management perspective. Under that policy, the "YKK AP Environmental Committee" incorporates the environmental policy into sales, research & development, manufacturing, management, and overseas divisions.
In addition, to confirm the progress of these environmental policies and in environmental compliance, we conduct annual internal environment audits. We have also acquired ISO 14001 certification at all locations in Japan and at eleven locations overseas, and are continually working to increase the level of environmental management.
YKK AP Environmental Management Policy (FY2021 to FY2024)
Creating environmental value at all stage of the lifecycle: Toward a brighter future for nature and humanity
With the intention of making a better society and environment for the next generation, YKK AP will take on the challenge of creating new value and eliminating its environmental burden through technical innovation.
- We will strive to contribute to resolving environmental issues throughout the value chain and reducing the environmental burden.
- We will address climate change, resource recycling, water, and biodiversity as environmental issues.
- We will create new environmental value with an eye toward the future, on a foundation of diverse human resources.
Disclosure of information under the TCFD recommendations
YKK AP has endorsed the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) since FY2019. In relation to both climate-related risks and opportunities, we conduct scenario analysis of the impact on our business and finances and ensure that the results are reflected in our management strategies.
In particular, sustainability issues are addressed by the "ESG General Meeting," chaired by the president, which conducts cross-functional activities by formulating policies from a company-wide perspective and rolling them out to related divisions and domestic and overseas group companies. The Environmental Policy Board Committee, which is chaired by the president and has jurisdiction over the environmental area within the ESG General Meeting, formulates and approves environmental policies and strategies, including on climate change, from a management perspective, and monitors their progress. The "Environment Committee" rolls out these environmental policies and strategies to our manufacturing and sales sites in Japan and overseas, and confirms how they are being implemented through mutual internal environment audits.